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Monthly Archives for June 2002.

Refer a friend

Refer a friend to Delta and earn miles. 500 miles for each referral that signs up for Delta’s frequent flier program. What’s more, they’ll each get 1000 free miles with their first Delta flight. Earn a maximum of 2,500 miles this way.

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A 16 year-old

A 16 year-old Georgia girl is sentenced to boot camp for having sex with her boyfriend under an “anti-fornication law” which forbids sex outside of marriage. In an unrelated development, a Sunday school teacher is sentenced for suggesting a boy write “What Would Jesus Do?” on his penis to ward off temptation. Thanks to Instapundit.

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More underage drinking

More underage drinking for the Bush daughters. I think this begs the question: why is it illegal for a 20 year old to drink? When I was a kindergartener, we used to sing a song that we most certainly didn’t understand: Marijuana, marijuana, PCP, PCP. Rockefeller makes it, Jimmy Carter takes it. Why can’t we? Why can’t we? If it’s alright for the powerful, why not for the rest of us? I don’t see any DC cops busting down the doors of the White House or the Crawford, Texas ranch to arrest Jenna and Barbara Bush. Nor should they — and not just because they’re hot.

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So what are these travel logo
Jun 24 2002

So what are these travel links at the bottom of the page and better yet who cares? For right now, let me call your attention to (2): Checking out this site may be the most important travel tip I can give you. Priceline can be a great resource for saving money on travel, but it’s often too much of a hassle to be useful. Take hotels: not only don’t you know how low Priceline will go, you have no idea where Priceline will put you (as long as it’s within the geographic area promised). What if you knew in advance what hotel you were going to get? What if you knew that you didn’t have only one chance to bid, but that if your bid was rejected you could continue bidding without choosing different…

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Fly First Class

american airlines plane
Jun 20 2002

I still remember my first flight in First Class. I remember playing with the seat controls and the massage feature. I still have the menu. I can still taste the shrimp appetizer. Believe me, you never want to go back. But… first class is expensive. Fortunately, I don’t pay for it. You don’t have to either. There are lots of ways to upgrade to first class from coach. First, many airlines offer the ability to upgrade for free if you purchase a “full fare” coach ticket. These are the really expensive tickets that are refundable and don’t have a fee for making changes. Other airlines allow you to upgrade such a ticket for a fee. Still, I don’t buy full fare tickets. My employer won’t shell out that kind of money. After all, a full…

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