Trip Report’s Final Flight: Frankfurt Back to Dulles

Frankfurt, Germany (FRA) to Washington, DC (IAD)
1:15pm Lufthansa 0418, Boeing 747, First Class, Seats 81C, 81A
Scheduled Flight time: 8h 45m

The flight was 100% full in economy and business, and packed to 12 out of 16 in First. This would be our most crowded F cabin of the trip.

After our hour-long delay we were onboard and ready to go. Only we weren’t. Apparently there was a problem with an indicator regarding one of the doors and its associated slides. They thought it was fixed, but it wasn’t. So another call to the mechanics, and we sat on plane for about two hours while they worked out the troubles.

Plenty of drink services in First, and they eventually served the canapé as well while we were still on the ground.

Clearly the FAs were bored, and they wrote out a welcome greeting on each First Class passenger’s menu, with their name on it. But this isn’t SQ, and the special touch was a bit diminished by the need to write seat #s on the menu as well so that the FAs could keep track of whom to give which menu to.

Once aloft we opted to wait to take my main meal. I slept nearly five hours and then asked to eat. This actually turned out nicely because we had two flight attendants serving just the two of us.

The featured chef was again Marcello Fabbri.

Main Meal

Choice of Hors d’oeuvres
Caviar with the traditional garnishes
King Prawns and Eggplant Tart with Pesto
Roasted Saddle of Veal in jellied Borlotti Beans served with Balsamico Jus
Goat Cheese Terrine with marinated Bell Pepper served with Taggiasa Olives

Seasonal Greens with fried Mushrooms, Cherry Tomatoes, Carrots and Herbs with your Choice of Ramson or Balsamico Dressing

Choice of Main Courses
Saddle of Lamb Meddalion gratinated with Parmesan Cheese and Olives, Thyme Jus and Potato Pancetta Pave
Loup de Mer filled with Arugula, served with baked Tomatoes and Mashed Potatoes with Olives
Arugula Risotto with Taleggio, Shiitake Mushrooms, Tomatoes, Spring Onions and Walnuts
Roasted Duck Breast with Balsamico Sauce, red cabbage with Orange and Potato Cake

Selection of Cheese and Dessert
Gorgonzola, Peccorino, Taleggio, Livarot and Fougeru garnished with Grapes and Walnuts
Apple Ciafoutis with Almond Ice Cream
Mango Caramel Tart with exotic Fruit Salpicon
Specialty Dessert Wines

I did find that on this flight my reading light was broken. And when I woke up from my nap I wanted a cappuccino, but the espresso machine was broken. My AVOD crashed a couple of times. And towards the end of the flight when I went to put my seat back into its upright position, I found that the seat was broken! The foot rest wouldn’t go back down, and eventually the purser managed to shove it and jump on it until it was ready for landing.

Still, the flight was just fine since I slept so well and the private meal service was so attentive. Since I had just eaten, though, I skipped the pre-arrival snack which was served about an hour and 20 minutes prior to landing

Snack Time

Cold and Hot Specialties
Sandwiches with Smoked Salmon, Cream Cheese, Bell Pepper and Cucumber
Curd Rolls with Porcini Marinated Roast Beef and Cornichons
Cream Cheese and Olives in a Tart
Mixed Pickles
Mixed Meat and Vegetable Casserole

Orange Cake and Chocolate Eclairs, Cream of Vanilla with fresh Fruit and Cherry Tart

Fresh Fruit

We came into IAD and had to board the mobile lounges out to immigration. Another large flight had come in ahead of us, and the lines were quite long for US citizens. There was virtually no line for non-citizens. I thought about just getting into that line, but the government scares me and I just didn’t have it in me to take them on over something like a cue trying to get back into the country.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Makes you wonder why they even bother having separate lines for US citizens/GC holders and visitors. At least at SFO they often redirect people from the longer lines to the shorter ones no matter what the signs say.

    Anyway, I’ve been following your trip report with great interest. Thanks for the many interesting details. One of these days I’ll fly international first class, too (but right now I need to fly revenue so I can reach 1K level again next year and get at least upgrades to C).

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