Comments on: Bold Leap: Somaliland Acquires Ethiopian Airlines Stake, Defying Global Non-Recognition Thought Leader in Travel Wed, 03 Jan 2024 06:08:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sean M. Wed, 03 Jan 2024 06:08:38 +0000 @AF Dera – Eritrea is not stable enough for Ethiopia to make long term plans based on access to Assab. Post-Afwerki succession is highly opaque and the regime could easily fall to a number of splinter and “rebel” groups.

Ethiopia had a major scare in November 2021 when they came very close to losing control of the supply routes from Djibouti to Addis Ababa due to Tigray and Amhara related conflicts. Ever since then, Abiy’s goal has been to ensure access to a more southern port. Berbera fits the bill perfectly, and recognition for Somaliland is not a big leap given the strong relations already between the two “countries”. He just needs to ensure that SFG is not too upset by it and this could be a major boost for Abiy’s agenda.

By: Jack the Lad Wed, 03 Jan 2024 04:41:20 +0000 Djibouti has China’s only overseas military base while Taiwan is the only entity recognizing Somaliland?

By: John G Connelly Wed, 03 Jan 2024 00:46:20 +0000 But those pirates…

By: Th. Iliescu Tue, 02 Jan 2024 22:47:57 +0000 Djibouti NOW is a “Navy & Military chinese out post” in Africa. Much more, do not worry for rail to Djibouti ….. China army are ready to use it to expand interest inside African continent, ready under assail ! About Eritrea giving acces to a Red Sea port, forget ! They are also comunist – even more then Ethiopia – and HATE & internal endless fights are typical for them !

By: Mak Tue, 02 Jan 2024 21:45:49 +0000 @AF Dera Palestine is not a country and has never been a country in the history of the world. “Palestine” is an imaginary construction created by the KGB which it used to galvanize Arab nationalism against the West, and has now been subsumed by radical Islamism.

The UN Partition of the British Mandate administering what had been the Ottoman Caliphate was to have resulted in two states, Israel and an Arab entity in the West Bank and Gaza, with Jerusalem as an International City under UN Auspices. The Israelis accepted this plan, but the Arabs didn’t and surrounding Arab armies attacked Israel from the West Bank and Gaza, and never left . . . Gaza was annexed by Egypt and the West Bank and Jerusalem by Jordan. This might have been the status quo today, but in 1967 Arab armies again invaded Israel and again where pushed back . . . far back, and kicked Egypt out of Gaza and Jordan out of Jerusalem – annexing it as its capital – and the West Bank.

An interesting related anecdote: the Jews at the founding of Israel considered calling their nation “Palestine,” but decided to go with “Israel” figuring that the Arabs would likely want to use that denomination for their part of the Partition. Unfortunately they never got the chance due to Jordan and Egypt.

By: kidus wolde Tue, 02 Jan 2024 14:13:37 +0000 The fact that you wrote the 737 max crashes as a problem the airlines did and not even stating Ethiopian Airlines is the biggest airlines in Africa and more shows how you wanted to portrait your own agenda instead of writing a non beized peace …. not even gonna go deep into reading it

By: AF Dera Tue, 02 Jan 2024 12:03:48 +0000 Amazing that Somaliland has done a UDI, Rhodesia style and there’s no civil war as over South Sudan. Acquiring a stake in Ethiopian Airlines could be totally apolitical, irrespective of world recognition as a sovereign state. Like Palestine, no other country should have the right to determine it’s nationhood. As for Eritrea, I had understood that relations with Ethiopia had been patched up and Ethiopia could resume use of Assab, which is remote from mainstream Eritrea. And what will become of the new railway to Djibouti?

By: simmonad Tue, 02 Jan 2024 08:52:30 +0000 Of course hardly anyone protests about Ethiopia: no Jewish/Israeli involvement.

By: Jon Biedermann Tue, 02 Jan 2024 00:06:12 +0000 I love these comments from people (like “Mak”) who hide behind their fake names and it’s too perfect to be from a human, lol. At least Gary uses his real name.

I do love this forum from like minded travelers…who likely seen other sides of a story. We need more of this. iMO.

By: CHRIS Mon, 01 Jan 2024 21:59:06 +0000 What’s the over/under on being extorted for a bribe by a police officer in either of these two places?
