Employee Arrested For Taking 143 Videos Of Men In Minneapolis Airport Restrooms

A Minneapolis – St. Paul airport employee has been caught recording passengers in men’s bathroom stalls, and charged with “11 gross-misdemeanor counts of interference with privacy.” He’s apparently been doing it since back in February.

Another employee noticed the concessions staffer trying to take pictures of him from underneath the stall in the gate E2 bathroom – and went to police.

  • The suspected admitted that he’d been taking videos inside of bathrooms for months.

  • His cell phone had 143 bathroom videos taken between August 11, 2022 and February 14, 2013 showing males “at various stages using the bathroom.”

  • Still photos were also found from inside bathroom stalls, and of airport video surveillance footage of a male passenger “with low pants exposing his [buttocks].”

Airports have cameras everywhere and numerous law enforcement agencies on site, making a restroom there one of the least likely places to get away with illegal or surreptitious activity for long. Yet this man wasn’t caught until he became careless and was noticed.

Maybe it’s that this has become normalized? In 2020 it was revealed that the TSA’s “Quiet Skies” program included following ordinary passengers in the airport, and marking down when they used the bathroom.

And Minneapolis airport is, famously, where Idaho Senator Larry Craig was arrested in a bathroom in the terminal 1 Northstar Crossing area for having too wide of a stance.

Since the concessions employee had a SIDA badge, I guess I’m glad his only nefarious behavior involved personal predilections.

(HT: C Boarding Group)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. In the current day I’m kinda surprised the authorities still consider this a crime.

  2. @chat your rude. LGBT are not creeps, it is those who make up stuff like you that are

    We do not believe in alternative facts. But FYI “sex creep” are usually white makes in their 40s married men. —– did i hit the nail head for you !

  3. Now that he has done his time in the men’s room he can Run for Congress under the Republican Ticket and go to Washington and deny that he ever did anything

    Craig lost his seat for what he did, Trump lost $$$ his Elevator time.

    Why are white men so Stuipid

  4. Gary: Thank-you for “univiting” @Chad from the website. I was just going to comment that I believe he ought to be barred…we do NOT need more and more hate speech choking our media.

  5. @Dillon York:
    Like the Tara Reade case, in which there is actually a police report filed at that time.
    Oh wait, that was against Biden, who is not a Republican.

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