Pilot Caught Taking Naughty Pictures Of Flight Attendant

A passenger posted video to Reddit and to twitter showing a pilot they were sitting near on a Frontier Airlines flight taking photos of a flight attendant’s legs and other body parts – trying to be sly, hiding his camera. He’s been busted.

The passenger who posted the video wrote that they were going public because they “don’t really trust something of note will actually be done and I don’t want him to be able to continue to do this.” They reported the incident to a flight attendant at the end of the flight, not wanting a confrontation with the pilot while in the air.

Another Frontier crewmember reports that the video has been shared broadly in social forum for employees of the airline and that the flight attendant whose picture was being taken “knows the pilot’s name and consequences hopefully will follow suit.”

According to a Delta Air Lines spokesperson,

Delta is aware of the video and is investigating these allegations. Nothing is more important than creating a safe environment for all airline staff and guests.

Treating flight attendants as sex objects is hardly new. In India there’s even a unique crime a passenger can be charged with for an incident like this: ‘outraging the modest of a woman’.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Who does this? Seriously. 15 minutes on Google and you can get all the porn you need.

  2. Has he ever run the corrupt offensive sky pesos program before becoming a pilot?
    The stingiest FF program in history

  3. “Outraging the modesty of a woman” in India doesn’t mean it’s illegal to take a picture of a flight attendant working in uniform.

    An “up-the-skirt” picture would however run afoul of such laws in India.

    In some parts of the world, this kind of picture would perhaps run afoul of a law, but that would be court-determined and particular to the circumstances.

    Should the seated male pilot have behaved in this way? No, it’s unprofessional at the very least. Should he be reprimanded for fostering a hostile work environment? Possibly. Is he a weirdo for doing so? Without a doubt. What should the consequences be for his behavior?

  4. I hope this Pilot pays for his disgraceful behavior. Regardless of who you are, that is never acceptable.

  5. 50 large for an upskirt photo? And not much of one at that. Women would be lining up if that were the going rate.

    All this outrage from men who have definitely looked at a stewardesses ass.

  6. If he’s a Delta pilot on a Frontier flight, the description of this as creating an “unsafe working environment” is wrong on two counts. One, the term is “hostile working environment”, not “unsafe”. Unsafe would be him trying to open the cabin door or throwing marbles on the floor. “Unsafe” is a Millennial/GenZ” term for “I don’t like it”. Two, he’s not a Frontier employee – I don’t think a customer, even a free one, can create a “hostile working environment” in a legal sense, though Frontier could by not responding to it. That’s up to your labor and employment attorneys to hash out.

    That said, he’s in uniform, so Delta can ding him for unprofessional behavior. Though they’re going to have to run through the pilot’s union first, and they can be expected to make all of the points I made above.

    Finally, there was no need for the passenger to confront the Delta pilot. But they should have let the crew know what he was up to during the flight so they could decide how to deal with it. You see someone doing something wrong and you just keep letting the FA have inappropriate pictures taken? What if the guy were on WiFi and streaming it? Or he gets off the flight and has a phone full of inappropriate pictures that then get spread all over the Internet the second he can connect to his account. You can’t get any of that back and off the Internet, that poor FA is out there forever. You see something, you tell the flight crew ASAP in a quiet way – unless you’re in it for the likes. I have my suspicions.

  7. Just because one is on a deadhead to the next assignment does NOT give you the right to act in an idiotic way, especially when in uniform. You are representing the company and acting in an idiotic & childish manner only degrades yourself AND the company who hired you.

  8. Wow, pilot’s career over! Unbelievable stupidity. If you’re dumb enough to do that, you shouldn’t be a pilot.

  9. I watched these. Exactly where is the evidence he’s taking skeevy pictures? Did I miss it or are you all just making assumptions?

    If I missed it, then all of you are re-offending by watching it because the woman in re-injured every time someone watches the video.
    The horror!

  10. @Ronald Jeremy: Aren’t you still in jail for allegedly actually assaulting women?

  11. Up the skirt is wrong. Just a partial photo of someone sitting on a seat is not wrong even if weird.

  12. I agree with Jon. I don’t care about the propriety of his actions, but I do care about how intelligent he is. I prefer pilots with good, robust, mature brains to fly me around. This guy’s an idiot.

  13. Kudos to him! Women, get over yourselves. He took a few pictures of the legs she was displaying for passenger enjoyment. All you do is cry for attention, when you get it men should be persecuted. You want to play and be equal to men, then do it. Men don’t run around crying to get the law to do their dirty work. Besides, she’d be lucky for some guy to take her picture in a few years.

  14. I agree with CM — this should have been reported to the flight attendant during the flight.

  15. Is it common for pilots to deadhead on a competing carrier?

    And even if he’s not deadheading (let’s say returning from vacation), why is he in uniform?

  16. I think he’s just taking photos of how revealing her clothes are so that he can report her for lewd conduct. Do you see what she’s wearing? Way too much leg!

    Also the person who videotaped this should be prosecuted for invasion of privacy

  17. @Aaron –

    He is not deadheading. He is commuting. Completely different things. Pilots commute in uniform if they are heading home after a trip or right before the start of one…

  18. Why is delta pilot “commuting” on a frontier flight? Delta does not have scheduled flight to reposition him? I find it strange that delta pays for frontier flight just to reposition it’s pilot.

  19. “Also the person who videotaped this should be prosecuted for invasion of privacy”

    Invasion of privacy is a tort, a civil case, not a criminal one, therefore can’t be prosecuted in the way you’re probably thinking. And it’s not even that, taking a photo of someone in public is almost never an invasion of privacy – therefore what the pilot is allegedly doing is not a crime or even invading the FAs privacy. Might be unprofessional, creepy, rude, harassment, etc. – but anything she’s showing in public, fair game as far as privacy goes. If he posted them, that’s a lot of different issues, since she’s not a “public figure”. There are thousands of celebrity lawsuits over this very point.

  20. Pilots and flight attendants have jumpseat agreements. Almost every airline has agreements for unlimited jumpseats for pilots and flight attendants. This includes cockpit access and extra flight attendants seats if all seats in the passenger cabin are taken.

    It is very common for pilots and flight attendants to commute on competing airlines. They wear uniforms because as jumpseaters they are legally part of the crew.

  21. DALPA to the rescue. Nothing will happen to this guy. His Union will “protect” him. It happens all the time.

  22. Are you all blind? The first two videos look like he has a book open and is just framing the phone to look like he’s taking a photo (of a “plain Jane” FA). Third video shows the photo app open but not with FA in it.

    Fake News.

  23. It is likely that a confirmed flight home on Frontier is cheaper than even a reduced rate fare on DL for the pilot. Many flight crew commute to/from their work base. It is likely he is just a paying passenger with a uniform.

  24. Dr. C

    Completely wrong. Commuters catch rides for free on any carrier….no pilot would actually pay for a confirmed seat to go to/frm work on anywhere of a routine basis.

  25. I agree, totally STUPID on the DL pilot’s part. this does go to the what was he thinking thread. I know this is a personal preference call but the view shown, is ok, she’s decent but not so hot that I’d be videoing her lol

    In the end, he took pics of a FA in uniform. No upskirt, nothing that if shown would be considered obscene.

    I presume since he is on duty or repping DL, they can do something so that is an internal thing

    As for the “unsafe” working environment, give me a break.

  26. You could almost see the flight attendant’s balls hanging down below the skirt.
    -Captain Creepy

  27. So instead of simply reporting it she decides to make it an even bigger issue by not just reporting it but by uploading it to the internet. I’m sure the FA appreciates having her body broadcast to the internet without her permission by some random Karen.

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