NEW: AAdvantage Platinum Pro Members Get Upgrades On Alaska Airlines Starting This Week

American Airlines Executive Platinum (and Concierge Key) members have been getting upgrades on Alaska Airlines for the past three months. This benefit is being extended to Platinum Pro members as well.

Platinum Pro (“75K” elite tier) becomes oneworld emerald on Wednesday, June 30th. That means more free checked bags, and better priority check-in as well as first class lounge access on international trips where those lounges have re-opened. Separate from oneworld benefits, and unique to the American partnership with Alaska, it will also mean upgrades on Alaska starting in ‘a few days’.

Executive Platinum upgrades are available on Alaska Airlines non-basic economy fares:

  • Confirmed up to 120 hours prior to departure
  • Prioritized behind Alaska’s MVP Gold 75K members

Platinum Pro members will receive upgrades on Alaska through the same process. That means they’re eligible for upgrades when traveling on any Alaska fare other than basic economy, starting 120 hours prior to departure, behind Alaska MVP Gold 75Ks (but ahead of Alaska MVP Golds).

Alaska Airlines First Class

This is a big win for Platinum Pro members flying Alaska, and indeed they may do better on Alaska metal than on American metal and at the very least their upgrade window opens earlier. This is a blow to Alaska’s own MVP Golds who may see fewer upgrades as a result of being knocked further down in the pecking order below American’s 75K elites.

Upgrades for American Airlines elites flying on Alaska are prioritized based on fare class and time of request. That means when two competing Executive Platinums are on the upgrade list, the one who has the higher ‘fare class’ will prevail. Where their tickets are both in the same fare class, the tie breaker goes to the one whose upgrade request was placed earlier.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. As Platinum Pros have the same 120 hour upgrade window, will they be prioritized after Executive Platinums or same bucket?

  2. So if I become AA Platinum Pro from my reduced mileage offer last week and fly with my wife on an Alaska Visa companion pass from my mother to Hawaii and the we get upgrades, will heads explode?

  3. Garry,
    Been “stuck” in what was Covid “free” Australia for a while and have +3mm lifetime miles with AA so only flying QF/VA these days. Was AA lifetime always just Platinum or did it get downgraded from Plat Pro? I just can’t remember as I was Exec Plat till I came here, and just didn’t really notice. Any explanation appreciated and stay well and safe
    Thank you

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