Flight Delayed 90 Minutes When Activist Glues Himself To The Nose Of The Plane

A dozen climate activists showed up at the Ängelholm / Helsingborg Airport on Monday evening and delayed the departure of Scandinavian flight SK2184 to Stockholm when five of them went out onto the tarmac – and one glued himself to the plane.

The flight ultimately departed 1 hour and 43 minutes late, and arrived in Stockholm shortly after 10 p.m. local time.

It’s not yet clear how authorities removed the man who attached himself to the ATR-72 turboprop, but I’m impressed they moved as quickly as they did. From the photo it appears possible that only the man’s gloves were actually fused to the nose of the plane.

Credit: Norra Skåne

This is a good reminder that there are people who are thrilled that international travel has grinded to a halt, and that flying is severely depressed amidst the global pandemic.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Just a quick bump of the terminal, then the flight, then they can hose off whatever’s left.

  2. Don’t tell Ryan Air about this, they will sell glue and a spot on the wing!

  3. How can it take an hour to get him off the plane if it were just his gloves that were attached? Even if it were his hands, I can think of several methods that would take less than 15 seconds.

    Although I much prefer Brian L’s solution.

  4. A .32 caliber pistol and a hearse would be a more appropriate solution. “Activist”? No, a criminal interfering with a commercial airline flight. He could have been fitted with an explosive device for all we know. Take no chances. Take him out.

  5. Imagine being so sheltered and brain washed that you think delaying a flight for an hour means execution.

    You guys are what’s wrong with humanity as a whole.

  6. Inquiring minds want to know if he used “Super Glue” or “Gorilla Glue.” When sticking yourself to a random aircraft, I recommend using the Gorilla Original Waterproof Polyurethane Glue. The water activated polyurethane formula expands to form an incredibly strong bond to virtually anything like human skin to an aircraft fuselage. Gorilla Glue is a 100% waterproof glue, safe for indoor and outdoor use and strong enough to stand up to the elements. This makes Gorilla Glue your best choice for sticking yourself to an aircraft.

  7. Funny they glued themselves to a plane of a capacity provider flying on behalf of SAS, not being involved in the SAS state aid they are protesting against. Little better preparation next time guys…

  8. It is also a reminder of how fat-headed climate terrorists are. There are established democratic procedures for determining air travel rules. These people think that they are too important to be bound by them. So important, in fact, they think they have the right to delay dozens of innocent passengers.

  9. @JimBob As a former resident of two foreign countries and frequent traveler to risky jurisdictions worldwide I am far from “sheltered”. Under today’s situation all criminal threats involving public transportation should be deemed lethal and must be mitigated with extreme prejudice. Sorry. That’s just the way it is.

  10. @JimBob. The acts of terrorism, even ones seemingly as “non-violent” as the example, are VERY SERIOUS and should be treated as such. If you don’t think these “protesters” are committing an act of terrorism then perhaps you don’t know the law much less the definition of terrorism.

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