Top TSA Official Promoted After Sex Harassment Suit and How the British Airways Hack Happened

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. So United’s take on this is it was the good kind of Listeria that won’t kill passengers
    They appear guilty as sin
    The chance I will ever fly this stinking rotten airline is next to none
    It was marvelous airline in the 90s
    Today it’s run by absolute criminals
    If they are willing to potentially murder folks with their food what is safety like with air craft maintenance ? I can only imagine
    If there ever was a truer catch phase lock them up!
    Hope the inspectors win big

  2. Given Scandinavia’s alt-right-wing swing in recent years — in many ways they front-ran Trump on peddling xenophobia, Islamophobia, driving mainstream-media-hatred/manipulation, and to otherwise mainstream hate by using dog whistles to appeal to white supremacists and other insecure bigots — Scandinavia is indeed a questionable model for the US. But with its better tax system for wealthy, international capitalistic real persons, it’s more lucrative to be subject to Swedish taxation rather than than being taxed by Trump’s tax system — if only you could chose to be subject to the tax jurisdiction of one and avoid the other.

    Isn’t this blog a supporter of lower taxation and less regulation, a blog with a history of using alt-right-appealing dog whistles to act as financially-rewarding click bait of sort?

  3. Peter Mac,

    Less help than you, amigo, but I’ll assume you’re the experienced recipient of such help and thus could suggest help for the beloved POTUS. 😉

    I was toying with the amateur, anti-Scandinavian prejudices of the ignorant American right-wing nuts and those in the Republican Party “mainstream” who have an oversimplified understanding of the Scandinavian countries and hold them out as an example to bash just because another political side used them as an example of so-called universal healthcare and higher education subsidization to be emulated.

    Given this commercial blog’s tendency to support or provide cover to certain political causes, using the comments section to call out the political bend of the blog is just a form of feedback and entertainment.

  4. GUWonder: I am surprised you use Scandanavia’s health care system as the model we should trend towards. Why not use China’s or Russia’s?
    Or, why don’t we roll the dice and try Egypt’s or Saudi’s or Iran’s healthcare system?
    Personally, my opinion is Republicans wanted fixed cost healthcare, but could never get it passed and get reelected, so they pulled the age old method of letting the other party do it under protest. The change is slow now, as was Social security when first launched, but will solidify and unable to be replaced. Then we may long for a system like scandanavias, cycling through party rule, hoping that next time it will be different. Not likely.

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