Comments on: Warning: Don’t Become A Flight Attendant “Unless You’re Going To Delta” Thought Leader in Travel Tue, 30 Jan 2024 21:18:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Justsaying Tue, 30 Jan 2024 21:18:25 +0000 Even Delta is entirely ghetto not paying their flight attendants for 3 hour sits plus. They still can be working 14 hour days and not getting paid for delays and still not paid from check in to debrief(the time they sign out of work) So praise Delta all you want but they are ghetto as well. Blessed be the CULT.

By: Pedro Nimbo Tue, 30 Jan 2024 15:22:20 +0000 Looks like delta has invaded the comments from corporate HQ and their paid anti union lemmings. I came to delta over 20 yrs ago, from another airline. Only 2 yrs ago, did they catch up to my vacation pay. Still don’t pay extra for working FC, as I was in the 90s. They pay many 3 day trips with 2 day pay because it crosses midnight. Also 2 day illegals, which is below minimum rest, , I made 10 hrs in 1999. Delta pays 6 or 5 in many instances. The list is longer but to no avail. Stop the propaganda. The pilots have a union and will get retro pay for their contract delays, which will equal more than most make in a year. They also get another bump every time a competitor gets a new contract if it’s above theirs. I’m not by any means a unionist but stop the propaganda……

By: Tim ja Tue, 30 Jan 2024 14:59:57 +0000 @bill
The 1950’s called ….

By: Pete S Tue, 30 Jan 2024 13:57:54 +0000 At the same time, with load factors the way they are (miniscule number of open seats), the once desirable non-rev travel benefit ain’t worth as much.

By: Tim Dunn Tue, 30 Jan 2024 05:13:29 +0000 SEAsteve,
if your statement was correct, then Delta FAs would have unionized.
In fact, they have very similar scheduling and hours to unionized FAs and, if my memory serves me correctly, Delta was one of the first airlines to require that every FA do a certain amount of reserve flying so that the most junior FAs don’t have to consistently do all reserve flying which is the way many FA unions operate.

By: Bill Tue, 30 Jan 2024 04:40:06 +0000 Omg shut up. Being a flight attendant isn’t a career. Not to mention, no one is forcing you to work there. You can’t expect to make above minimum wage for a job that requires zero education. This career was meant for young women to do for a few years while young, now you have people like this thinking it’s a career. It’s not. Grow up, get an education, and get a real job.

By: Anonymous Tue, 30 Jan 2024 03:41:50 +0000 Currently work for DL & I’d choose them over any other airline hands down. The person who said people “work 150 hours @ $30/hour. Yay” made me laugh because our senior mamas are notoriously the ones that fly high time like that & they make $76/hour. They do a quick little 3 day to Rome with a 24 hour layover to explore and make $2k off that one trip little alone. Just imagine how much those FAs flying 200 hours are pulling in. & then our profit sharing is constantly in the double digits? SO grateful. I love Ed, I love DL, & I appreciate all of you that fly with us. See you in the skies, friends <3

By: Jill Gentner Tue, 30 Jan 2024 03:23:48 +0000 That pay scale is a heck of a lot more than RN wages…

By: Jake Tue, 30 Jan 2024 01:20:42 +0000 Actual data: 2022 Median Pay for flight attendants was $63,760 per year, and no college degree is required. Source:

In other words, the median FA makes 3.3 times the amount needed to qualify for food stamps.

The problem is the UNION who stacks all the income on the old ladies (and some gentleman) and works the new hires as slaves. Plus they lock them in by not allowing outside hires at the wages commanded by their skills and experience, in my opinion a crime against human rights.

Fix no hire from the outside at market wages) and it would become like any jobs where wage levels are set by employees switching employers for higher pay.

By: SEASteve Tue, 30 Jan 2024 00:04:31 +0000 Please. Delta flight attendants have no guarantee. That means: zero hours. You must be accessable X number of days with less than liveable hours. Pick up on your off days. Fly 150 hours at $30. Yay!

And to those who say the job is unskilled labor: does a flight attendant or a pilot have more power to bring people back or send them away?
