Everything’s Amazing and Nobody’s Happy

Here’s some great perspective, a three-year old clip from a Louis C.K. appearance on Conan. “Everything’s amazing and nobody’s happy.” Great insight about life, drawing on telephones, banking, and starting two minutes in half the clip is about the ‘annoyances’ we experience during flying.

Roughly speaking, since I couldn’t find a full transcript, here’s what he has to say:

I was on an airplane and there was high speed internet on the airplane… it’s fast, I’m watching YouTube clips, I’m on an airplane. It breaks down, they apologize, and the guy next to me is like “This is bull…”

Like how quickly the world owes him something he knew existed only 10 seconds ago?

Flying is the worst one, people come back from flights, they tell you their story and it’s a horror story. They act like their flight was like a cattle car in the 40s in Germany.

It was the first day of my life! First of all we didn’t board for 20 minutes. And then we got on the plane and they made us sit there on the runway for 40 minutes. We had to sit there.

Oh really, what happened next, did you fly through the air incredibly, like a bird? Did you partake in the miracle of human flight, you non-contributing zero?

You’re flying! It’s amazing! Everybody on every plane should be constantly going ‘oh my God, wow!’

You’re sitting in a chair in the sky

….Here’s the thing, people say there are delays on flights. Delays, really? New York to California in 5 hours. That used to take 30 years. And a bunch of you would die on the way there. And have a baby. You’d be a whole different group of people by the time you got there. Now you watch a movie and you take a $#@! and you’re home.

Have a great week out there, folks, and take it all in stride. I’ll try to, anyway, though you’ll probably hear my complaints in these pages nonetheless.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. one of Louis CK’s many great bits, this flying one is a favorite. He’s the best comedian of the last decade. New tour starting up very soon, go to louisck.net to see tour dates, and buy tickets only at his site (avoiding bastard ticketmaster)

  2. lol, you actually censored the word “dump”?

    Louis C.K. is very funny. I’m a fan.


  3. Have to say he is right. Makes my “worst flight ever” on Air China not seem so bad any more…

  4. Great clip thanks! Really puts it in perspective that our complaints that we don’t get our pre-departure champagne quickly enough are truly beyond even first-world problems!

  5. Awesome clip, I’ve always loved this one. Maybe they should play it while you taxi to the runway…

  6. Louis CK, You are STELLAR!!! Everything you say is so true. I love flying and am grateful for all of the reasons you mentioned.

  7. “Flying is the worst one, people come back from flights, they tell you their story and it’s a horror story. They act like their flight was like a cattle car in the 40s in Germany.”

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